Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rosh Hashana 2008

This past week I celebrated Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year, with my family. Rosh Hashana is a time for prayer and reflection. It is a time where Jews from all over the world go to synagogue and pray to God to have a year of health and happiness. It is also a time where Jews reflect on their actions and figure out how to improve themselves overall. Many Jews think back to anyone they have wronged in the past year such as their friends, family and coworkers and ask them personally for forgiveness.

To me, Rosh Hashana is an opportunity to reflect on the past year and find ways to be a better person for yourself and for others. This year I decided to really look within myself and I decided to make a resolution to be a more positive, upbeat, patient, less angry and more sensitive. I sat in synagogue over Rosh Hashana and prayed to God to forgive me for anything I have done wrong. I also really tried to connect personally with the prayers and for the first time I felt as if I was talking one on one with God.

After Rosh Hashana, I felt like a new person and I am really making a concerted effort each day to be a more positive and sensitive person. I am also making an effort to appreciate the great life that I have been given and to make each day count.

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