Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Thousand Splendid Suns

I have just started reading the book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini and it is a really great book. The book talks all about women in Afghanistan and takes you through the story of a couple women and their life story. It is a very sad book but very inspirational. It is sad primarily because of the political situation and the impact that has on the lives of all the people in the country. It is also sad because of how women are treated in Afghanistan. Women are treated as second class citizens and men are the primary breadwinners for the household so the women have to answer to the men. These women are often forced to marry young to men they have never met and do not and sometimes will never love. I have not finished the book yet but despite the hard lives the main female characters in the story lead they find strength to pursue life to its fullest.

This book really inspired me to reflect on my life. I realized that despite the hustle and bustle of my busy life my problems are minor compared to what people in Afghanistan go through in this story. They are born into a country that is constantly in turmoil and are dealing with the personal hardships that brings to their lives while I am dealing with a busy work life. Reading this book made me realize that I am lucky to have a nice, comfortable home, a great job and great family and friends. I highly recommend reading this book and I hope it inspires everyone the way it has inspired me.

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