Friday, June 26, 2009

Metro Accident

When something happens like the red line crash on the Washington DC metro it really teaches you to appreciate life. On Monday evening, around 5PM the red line going in the direction of Glenmont crashed into another train. I took the red line in that direction every day to get to George Washington University. Normally on Mondays my class ends at 3PM, and I sometimes stay to exercise at the gym. This weekend I realized that I had a lot of work to do so I decided to go home right after my class around 3PM. Normally when I finish working out I leave between 4:15 and 4:30 and I could not help thinking after I heard about the accident that if I stayed later to work out I could have been on that fateful train that crashed. It was really wierd to think about it. It really scared me. It made me think that I am here in this world for a greater purpose to live a great life and get a great job in an elementary school. It made me want to work real hard in Graduate school so I can do well and follow my dream of teaching. When a tragedy like this happens that hits so close to home it really makes you want to devote as much passion to your life as possible. When something amazing rolls around it makes you want to enjoy it that much more.


Unknown said...

very moving. i couldn't agree more. thanks davida!

Anonymous said...

While moving and relevant. I would like to point out, however, that the train was heading towards Shady Grove via downtown.